It is hard to believe, but the Church has reached Palm Sunday. It is with Palm Sunday that the Church begins to celebrate the most important feasts and memorials of its Calendar Year. EWTN has dubbed it "The Week That Changed the World". Holy Week is ultimately why Jesus was, is, and will be. Holy Week is the central point of the Christian Message.
Holy Week begins with Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He enters a King, loved and acclaimed by the people. He will leave it despised and scourged. But it is not the end. For while Palm Sunday leads us inexorably to Good Friday, it is Good Friday that brings us to Easter Sunday Morn and the Glory of Christ's Resurrection. The Easter Triduum that begins on Holy Thursday and ends with the Celebration of the Vigil of Easter is the most Holy time for the Church. We journey with the Lord at the Last Supper where He institutes the Holy Eucharist. We are there in Gethsemane where He asks for the cup to pass from Him and He is betrayed. We are there at the foot of the cross when He "Makes All Things New". We are waiting in Darkness to see the Great Light, the Light of the Risen Christ.
It is the Week that Changed the World.
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