Archbishop Timothy Dolan has taken the reins of the Archdiocese of New York. Archbishop Dolan has been an excellent messenger of the Gospel.
Having just completed the "Election of Change" (seeing how both President Obama and SEN. McCain ran on change) it is amusing to see the Media asking the Archbishop if he would be an "Agent of Change" to change in the Church to bring it more in tune with modern times (the typical request of so-called Progressive Catholics as well). When questioned about whether or not he would be an “agent of change,” on issues where society disagreed with the Church, Dolan firmly stated that as a bishop his “goal is to change [the faithful’s] lives to be in conformity with Jesus and his Church, not to change the teachings of Jesus and the church to be in conformity with what we want.”
The Media cannot understand the Church's timeless position on fundamental questions of morality. Sadly a great many Catholics fall into the same category, but it is this group, that Dolan will seek to reach with his humor and pastoral touch.
As Kathryn Jean Lopez wrote: 'Rather than a voice of disapproval toward the world, Dolan’s is a voice of challenge. He challenges not only Catholics, but every person. He declared, firmly and lovingly, “The Church is at her best, faithful to her mission, when she invites people to open the door and ask Jesus in. That’s precisely the invitation this Archdiocese of New York extends; that’s the proposal the Church makes to the world. As Bernini explained the massive colonnade surrounding St. Peter’s Square, ‘Those are the arms of Mother Church reaching out to embrace all people!’”'
The Church's teaching is not a no, but a yes to God.
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