The Vatican has approved the new English translation of the Roman Missal.
This means that perhaps as early as Advent 2011 (this December), the words of the Mass will be undergoing a significant change. This is a positive development as it will re-instill a sense of sacred language within the Roman Rite that has not existed since the Novus Ordo was instituted and the Tridetine Rite deemed extraordinary.
Rocco Palmo, the preeminent Catholic Blogger carries the announcement on his blog, Whispers in the Loggia.
For more information on the new translation you can go to:
The USCCB's special Revised Roman Missal Page and The Revised Roman Missal
This is an excellent development as it attempts to instill a higher and more divine language into the English celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The new language not only contains a more sacred tone, but also offers a deeper and more theological understanding of what we profess and believe. Jesus Christ is no longer "One in being with the Father", but now He is "Con-substantial with the Father". This is a powerful theological truth that conveys a deeper and richer understanding of the relationship between Christ and the Father.
It is my belief that the new translation will be an enormous benefit because it will present an opportunity for the Church to re-catechize herself to the truths that we profess at Mass.
Echoing the words of the Vox Clara commission, we pray, "For the Church":
O God, who in your wonderful providence
decreed that Christ’s Kingdom
should be extended throughout the earth
and that all should become partakers
of his saving redemption;
grant, we pray, that your Church
may be the universal sacrament of salvation,
and that Christ may be revealed to all
as the hope of the nations and their Savior.
Who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.