Sunday, June 21, 2009

God Bless My Dad

To all the Fathers I would like to wish you all a Happy Fathers' Day. I was able to be home (albeit a day late) for Mother's Day, but was unable to do the same for this Holiday. Fathers and Mothers, the nuclear family, is important and I was truly blessed in my parents.

Thank you Dad for everything. I always called you Daddy Lecture and gave you hell, but it made me a better person. You instilled in me at an early age a Love of Country and History. I was privileged to be the recipient of countless family vacations not to the Beach or Amusement Parks, but battlefields and museums. While many kids my age went to "fun places", I was able to walk the hallowed ground of Shiloh, Gettysburg, Antietam, Yorktown, and Lexington. I was able to roam through countless museums filled with natural and man-made history (making the Night at the Museum a life-long dream). In many ways the instillation of those values is part of the reason I am where I am today. It is a tribute to your success that I am living those values you passed on to me. Thank you.

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