“I die the King’s good servant, but God’s first.” –
June 22nd is the liturgical feast day of both Sts Thomas More and John Cardinal Fisher. Their lives represented an example of how to live in the world, but not of it. They showed us how to live the command of Christ to render to Caesar, Caesar’s, and to God, God’s. The Catholic is called to be counter-cultural and proclaim the Truth of the faith at all times and in all circumstances.
St. Thomas More was born in 1477 and was educated at
Both were beheaded in 1535 by order of King Henry VIII, whom he resisted in the matter of his divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
The Church is strengthened and enriched by the example and blood of the martyrs. We can learn from their example and pray that in the same circumstances, we would have the courage and grace to respond as they did.
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